
When Home Disaster Strikes, Strike back!

When any of us think of buying a house, we think of the memories created, the meals made, the laughter had and the love shared. The last thing any of us wants to think about is something going wrong.

Water Damage, What is it, and What Can be Done?

Possibly the most common form of damage to a house is water damage. There are many different types of water damage which may occur:

  • Flooding

  • Internal plumbing related damage

  • Structural related damage

Flooding is something that is out of our control. Mother nature takes charge, and we are simply at her mercy. However, there are some things that can help ease the stress of a potential flood.

The first and the most proactive way any of us can protect ourselves from flooding is not buying a home in a flood-prone area! It seems simple enough; however, it's not always at the top of people's list when looking at houses. 

An excellent way to do this is to use the FEMA Flood Map Service, which ably and accurately provides a breakdown of the risk our potential or current homes may be to flood damage.

Plumbing damage can either be our fault or a total mishap. Its something we all need to keep an eye on. The severity of a leaking pipe can range from a trivial problem to an absolute nightmare. 

Anything from a wide range in temperature change to high water pressure can create a challenge with pipes, and that can create a problem to a home that none of us wants to experience.

A solution, for prospective or current homeowners, is to have a plumber or home inspector check the pipes throughout the home for possible problems. 

Structural Damage: What Is it and Why Should We Fix it Fast?

Structural damage seems like an obvious problem that any of us might spot. However, it can be a bit more inconspicuous than we might suspect.

A hole or roof leak can lead to mold, damp walls which only worsen with time. Often these issues can be challenging to find. Contact a professional for assistance and to perform the repairs.

Gutters that are uncared for and not cleaned regularly can also prove costly. They lead to overflow, which can damage to the foundation of your home. Make sure to clear gutters regularly, and be sure they have an adequate slope, so water runs naturally from one end to where the drain is located.

Where There's Smoke There's Fire...and a Damaged House

None of us wants to have the experience of a fire in our home. Whether s a small kitchen fire, quickly extinguished or a more significant home fire that does severe damage, these are both problems that need to be remedied quickly. 

A fire can be destructive and can take away memories as quickly as the flash of the camera. It can turn a home into heartbreak and can rid us of things that we were not ready to part with.

Fire and smoke are two things that can damage a house; fire for its prominent destructive properties. Smoke is a bit more devious; it creeps into your curtains and seeps into your pillows, it damages walls and leaves toxins that require professional cleaning and restoration. 

It's something that may not be an immediate thought, but something will affect a property in the long term if not dealt with properly. That's why it's crucial to contact a professional fire restoration service when trying to deal with a problem such as smoke and fire damage. It needs to be dealt with appropriately. Otherwise, it will always be a problem.

Don't Let The Bugs Bite!

Insects are a vital part of our ecosystem, but they don't need to be a part of our home. Structural damage caused by bugs applies more frequently to people with wood studs. However, we all have either wooden furniture or other wood structures in our houses that we wouldn't like to see be devastated by pests. 

There are a few critters that need to be watching for. Powderpost Beetles being one of the biggest threats, mainly because they continue to eat treated wood and can often cause long-lasting damage to items.

Possibly the most infamous of the wood-eating pests is the termite. Mainly because of the massive damage this tiny insect can cause on the support structure of any home build using wood. 

It is imperative to make sure that we can all see the possible signs of a wood-eating bug infestation and get professional help before it's too late!

Don't Panic

It is critical to remember to stay calm when disaster strikes your home. We know that this is easier said than done, but when it comes to your house, you need to think clearly.

It is likely the most expensive investment you will ever make! Follow these steps, and you can overcome any problem you come across.

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