
How to Make Sure You Move Into a Safe Neighborhood

How to Make Sure You Move Into a Safe Neighborhood
(Photo : pixabay)

If you're looking into purchasing a house, you want to make sure everything is as perfect as possible before you move. Although you can change plenty of things about the house after you purchase it, one thing you can't change is the neighborhood. You need to make sure you're completely happy with the neighborhood your new home resides in before you purchase it. How do you make sure your neighborhood is safe before you sign the closing papers?

Look Into the Local News

First off, take a look at the local news. If you're moving to a brand new city, you probably don't know much about crime patterns and what many people consider to be the "bad part" of town. Take a look through the local news and map out where the news most frequently reports crimes. Even just mapping out the last few weeks can give you a good idea of the crime patterns in the city.

Obviously, this doesn't give you the whole story, and different local news sites will provide different types of news. However, it can at least give you an idea of where more violent crime tends to happen. This should certainly be the first thing you do when you're moving to a brand new area.

See What's Nearby

The behavior in an area often directly influences what's around it. For example, if many families live in a specific part of the city, you'll be more likely to see schools and family-friendly restaurants in the area. However, if it's mostly populated by college-age adults, you may see college-targeted entertainment, bars, and more.

Remember, living in a safe part of town isn't just about avoiding the areas that tend toward having high crime rates. It's also about making sure you're able to live your best life. What do you enjoy doing? Do you attend church? Do you go out to bars? Do you like eating out? Make sure you can do the things you and your family enjoy in your new home.

Talk to Your Realtor

This is one of the things your realtor can help with if you're purchasing your home through a realtor. Obviously, your realtor wants to sell you a house you'll enjoy. Leaving behind a trail of unhappy customers won't benefit your realtor's business. Your realtor would rather have you ask more questions than less.

If you have a worry or a concern about the safety of your new neighborhood, bring it up with your realtor. The realtor may have additional connections that you don't have, allowing them to see more about crime statistics and other information. Plus, your realtor probably has at least a little knowledge of the city, so they're more likely to know it based on instinct.

Search Neighborhood Criminal Records Before Moving

Some people don't purchase through a realtor and therefore don't have access to those types of records. What can you do when you don't have a wealth of official connections? Instead of relying on news reports or your gut instinct, you can use a people search engine to check the individuals living in your potential future neighborhood.

A people search engine offers access to a wealth of information, including criminal records, for millions of American adults. You can look up who owns the homes right next to the home you're looking at buying. Then, you can get information about those individuals' criminal history, including any violent offenses and other criminal records. It's the best way to make sure you're safe in your new home.


You definitely shouldn't take purchasing a home lightly. It's an important decision, which you probably know very well. Before you complete your purchase, it's important that you make sure you and your family will be safe living in your new home. One of the best ways to keep everyone safe is to make sure you do your research beforehand with your own tools. Doing your due diligence before making your purchase will keep you safe both now and in the future.

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