'Fallout 4' PS4, Xbox One Release Date & Gameplay Rumors: Here's Everything We Know So Far!

Ever since rumors circulated that Bethesda is already working on the next title in the "Fallout" series, many fans of the franchise have been looking forward to know what's coming. Details remained scarce and the developers themselves were mum about the so-called project. However, new reports surfaced and claimed that "Fallout 4" would finally be shown the light of day in the upcoming E3 event in June.

In March 2015, a report in Kdrama Stars said that an employee from the game's developing company, Bethesda, allegedly leaked information about the title's release.

The employee, named Gino Cole, reportedly let slip on his LinkedIn profile that he has been working as part of the game's development team for three years. Cole also said that the company is set to release the title in May 2016.

Bethesda has not issued any statement to confirm or deny the said information. However, an earlier report in June 2014 said that a public relations officer from the company revealed to Reddit user GNR_Informant that the title is already in production and would "take place in Boston, and be a kind of a direct sequel to 'Fallout 3.'"

Meanwhile, Air Herald reported on rumors that came out which claim that the developers are currently working on a possible multiplayer mode for the upcoming title.

The long wait between the release of "Fallout 3" and the new title sparked the rumors that the people in Bethesda are working on this MMO. Word of Josh Hamrick, a renowned multiplayer designer, moving to the company hitting the news further fanned the flames regarding this report.

Other AAA role playing games in the market also moved towards the MMO version, which expands the series from a single player to a wider universe. Even Bethesda's other title, "The Elder Scrolls," recently released a multiplayer version, called "The Elder Scrolls Online." This led some fans to think that the "Fallout" series is heading towards the same direction as well.

Bethesda recently handed out invitations to their own press conference in the E3 event in June, said Crossmap. Some followers of the game speculated that the company would announce details of all their upcoming titles including "Fallout 4."

Some said the announcement would include a final and confirmed release date for the title. Tidux, a video game insider, revealed on a Twitter post that the game could be released as early as the end of 2015, noted iDigitalTimes.

Bethesda has yet to offer any statement regarding this rumor and it remains to be seen if "Fallout 4" would be featured in their upcoming press con in June.

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