Microsoft's To Be Re-Launch - Read The Features Of This Document Sharing Service

Microsoft will be relaunching, a document sharing device that is open to the public. The service makes it quick and easy for people to publicly share documents.

It was first launched in 2010 but did not make it big. It was said that will probably be part of the Office family. If you check out, you can set up an account and see how things work in there. It is quite simple to share your document as long as the doc is in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and Sway.

The service does allow people to get comments through Disqus about the doc they shared. You can also share the file on other websites or social media through embedding and the usual link sharing. looks pretty much a sturdy project as it does not seem like a company's side project. The site still has a beta tag but it looks like that it has gone a long way as far as completion is concerned, so it's a big probability that it will be announced soon.

In, they explain why it is the best service of its kind online. They say that the service is free, unlimited, and it makes sure your files are perfectly formatted. When you publish your document to a page, the file format doesn't change. Your documents are simple web pages, so it can be shared quickly and easily. You can also organize your documents so they are easy to find.

Having your docs easily accessible to the public is probably the most convenient feature of this service. Through the public access feature, you can show the world your docs, you can show your friends the files that they need to see, and most especially, it will help workers work more efficiently as a team.

This service will also probably complement Office. The question however, is whether it will be free for good or not.

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