Beer Jam: New Food Trend You Should Try

Having wine on one's toast can be overwhelming, but having beer as a jam is reported to be a new craze. The Potlicker Kitchen came up with making a beer jelly, made only with beer, sugar, and a citrus fruit extract. Nancy Warner an archaeologist turned into an entrepreneur was able to turn booze into a business by launching the world's first jam made entirely of beer.

As per Mirror, Nancy came up with the idea after running out of fruits to make jams and jellies for her fledgling preserves company from her own kitchen. She then came into realization that she had a cupboard full of beer, which then motivated her to experiment, turning the booze into a jelly.

Her Beer jelly became a hit, and she is out to expand her business. Each 450ml jar contains around 225ml or beer, the alcohol however is already removed during the process. Each jar costs 4.50 Pounds and comes with eight flavors including ale, IPA, oatmeal stout and porter.

Mirror was able to have a chance to sit down and talked to Nancy on how she started with her Beer Jelly business, she then stated:

"I'm actually an archaeologist by trade and spent close to 10 years working in south eastern US archaeology before my husband Walter and I moved to Vermont. I could not find archaeology work so I developed a food blog hobby to keep me busy. The blog lead to a canning addiction, the canning addiction turned into a small business. I had bills to pay and lots of jam on the shelf so Walter packed me up and sent me to the farmers market. I started making beer jelly simply because I ran out of fruit. It was a long winter in Vermont; I was addicted to canning and canned through all the fruit in my house so I turned to my cabinets where I had plenty of beer and wine. When I started making beer jelly I had never heard of jelly made just with beer but I knew of jelly made just with wine, which actually goes back hundreds of years."

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