Normative or prescriptive ethics in a glance tells us or establishes how things should or ought to be and in a way instructs which actions are right or wrong as it attempts to develop set of rules governing human conduct or norms for action. And in this philosophical parlance, one could simply derive that acquiring and practicing those set of rules repeatedly may arise to a good conduct, and such repeated action and correction of ones self is called habit.

Habit formation plays a vital role in every man's success. On whatever field you are in, creating a good habit is for your own benefit and advantage. Even in the field of real estate, as a real estate agent, a good habit should be thoroughly observed for success to be ensued. And here are some of the most common habits that an agent and even ordinary people should practice and incorporate on their everyday activities, thus separating themselves from competitors.


The word passion does not refer to the crucifixion and death of Christ, but in sense, it refers to the drive of a person in doing the task well. As an agent you are considered as a liaison between buyers and the sellers, that is why you should always keep up an intense or strong outgoing demeanor consistent with communication and dialogue. Such passion would easily be felt by the persons you will be dealing with; it is somehow contagious so you better be equipped with it.


Though considered by some as a lonely word, it is still much valued by the business and consumer world. Top agents demonstrate the willingness to keep the clients well-informed of the details which they should know about the transaction to be made. Clients would be more appreciative of people who are genuine than those of pretentious individuals who would do anything even sacrificing their integrity for a piece of gain.


Careful and persistent work or effort should always be observed in dealing with a particular transaction. This habit would likewise include the practicing of resourcefulness and mastery of the craft in order to yield some positive outcome. As an agent, dedication to the job is the primary key for ensuing success. There are no magic words or shortcuts in achieving your goals in this industry. Focus, consistency and commitment to the job and to your clients are necessary requirements to be highly productive and successful.

Now the things highlighted above serves as a compass through which other habits are to be discovered. Habit formation is but a weary task to fulfill. It would require patience and dedication, but just always remember that day by day in every way you are getting better and better because you never give up.