"Dragon Ball Super" is the sequel to the famed "Dragon Ball Z," but fans doubt if it can live up to the standards of its predecessor. The "Dragon Ball" series is a great anime and fans really like the combination of humor and action.
"Dragon Ball Super" is at Episode 17, so it is still too early to say if it can live up to the expectations of the standard of the previous "Dragon Ball" series. Even if the fans are the gist of the series, it still lacks some important elements, Design & Trend reported.
Since "Dragon Ball Super" series is quite young, it still has the time to make some amends with its story line. Here are two things that, so far, need the immediate attention of its creators to please the "Dragon Ball" fans out there.
"Dragon Ball Super" should have plot-line variations from the predecessor. Its predecessor's storyline is known to be repetitive. The format for its story usually goes like the anti-hero reaches the same area where Goku and his friends are located; defeats friends, then defeats Goku. Total carnage is also always expected in the area. As is, the rule here is to destroy everything and injure a Z-fighter along the process. Goku then, needs to avenge. He trains and trains until he reaches the new transformation level. Always, the battle between Goku and the villain takes 20 episodes to finish before the end of battle.
"Dragon Ball Super" should also give chance to other characters. The thing that is great with another anime series, such as "Naruto," is the creators did try creating a storyline that will involve the minor characters and, in the end, have assisted "Naruto" in defeating the adversary.
"Dragon Ball Super" can try these approaches. A storyline can be created where Krillin and Tien would be able to do something within their powers to help Goku or Vegeta.
"Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection F" saga will begin in Episode 18, which will reportedly also feature Champa and Vados for the first time on the show, Attack of the Fanboy reported.