Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz authorities have organized the Tri-County Real Estate Fraud Advisory Team combat real estate fraud in the three counties.

According to, District Attorney Dean D. Flippo announced the group's organization and they held their first meeting last Monday at Watsonville Civic Center.

The meeting was attended by local lenders, brokers, title companies, notaries public, real estate agents, law enforcement personnel and escrow companies. All of the attendees share the common goal of putting a stop to possible fraudulent transactions in real estate to preserve the "integrity of their respective professions."

In a report by, district attorneys from the three counties, Dean Flippo from Monterey, Jeff Rosell from Santa Cruz and Candice Hooper from San Benito, attended the first meeting of Real Estate Fraud Advisory Team. Flippo said "They've had a citizens group for a number of years and we are very optimistic that likewise we will be very successful as we proceed through the next couple of years."

Though each county are doing their investigations against real estate fraud separately, the district attorneys are hoping for an improvement and change since the three counties are uniting to fight the fraudulent real estate transactions.

Flippo said that the Ventura County has also developed their own group to aid their efforts of eradicating real estate fraud and he said that Ventura County's project is impressive which can possible be applied their own counties.

District Attorneys from Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz have been combatting against the real estate fraud scheme for the past few years now and the increasing number of victims have alerted the authorities to finally organize a group that specifically works on this kind of cases.

The group's first meeting was focused on solar scams, loan modification and unlicensed professionals. They will also hold their meeting quarterly starting on 2016.

What are your thoughts about this new team against real estate fraud? Share it in the comments!