"Star Wars Rebels," the 3D CGI animated series, has been confirmed to come back for its third season. Disney's XD General Manager and SVP of Programming gave credit to its creative team, while the SVP of Development, Kiri Hart of Lucasfilm, gave praises on the show's excellent storyline.
"Star Wars Rebels" renewal has been officially arranged by Disney XD for its 3rd installment. Toon Zone has reported that the show's 3rd season has already started its production. Reportedly, it will be launched sometime in early 2016.
Disney XD SVP of Programming and General Manager Marc Buhaj was recently interviewed by The Wrap. He shared, "We are proud to bring our audience a 3rd season of Star Wars Rebels, a series that has resonated across generations. The creative team behind the series continues to do a brilliant job in delivering on the key tenets that fans have to come to expect from a Star Wars property, including adventure, hope and the battle between good vs. evil."
Lucasfilm SVP of Development, Kiri Hart on the other hand said, "We're very proud of our incredibly creative Rebels team. The show continues to tell fun, heartfelt, exciting new Star Wars stories week after week, and its beloved fans of all ages. Season 3 will see our Rebel heroes face new obstacles and find new allies in their fight against the Empire."
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" upcoming release with only about two weeks from its scheduled date, the media presence of the franchise will go on expanding the properties and production of the animated series, Science Fiction reported.
"Star Wars Rebels" third season is expected to come out in 2016 and will air on Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m., exclusive on Disney XD. The animated series is created by Simon Kinberg, Carrie Beck, and Dave Filoni, and produced by Lucas Film Animation.