The 146-year-old investment bank Goldman Sachs has changed the way they hire people. They also are open to the fact that one-third of its employees are engineers. It seemed that this company has already fully embraced the idea that technology is at the heart of living in our world today.

They have looked beyond campus visits as they use to do back then. CNBC reposts that they have also looked beyond alumni networks and one-on-one interview. They have already expanded their employee search by allowing applicants to send their resumes online. Edith Cooper executive vice president for Goldman Sachs said that, "The online resume has created a database of experience," for them. "We are looking at ways to leverage technology to get the right people" she said.

Since the company has been dealing with financial matter, Goldman Sachs is looking for employees who know how to adapt and are not afraid to step of their comfort zone. They target their hiring towards these three types or kinds of students specifically those who are community leaders, technologists, entrepreneurs.

It is now alright for them to have an initial interview with their applicants via Skype. Goldman says that they hire for the first year have risen to 9%, many of whom came from schools like Yale, Harvard and Stanford. They want their candidates to be diverse, in ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. Quoting Cooper she explained, "While tech can inform our search, this is also a people business," "Tech cannot replace the human dialogue."  This she said that they still make face to face interview as their second round of hiring.

Goldman Sachs understood the role of technology in their company. They have put out a strong presence in social media. They have even made their company's mission, vision and testimonials on available on youtube.