Marvel's All-Female Avengers 'A-Force' Targets Comic Fangirls

Female fans of Marvel comics have a new thing to be excited about. Word is out that the famous comic book publisher is coming out with a new team of superheroes led by female characters.

According to Time, the new "A-Force" team would see an all-female superhero cast come together for the first time in the Marvel Universe. The "A-Force" would reportedly replace the "Avengers," which would be disbanded in the latest comic book series called "The Secret Wars."

Not surprisingly, two female writers would author the upcoming comic book series. G. Willow Wilson would team up with Marguerite Bennett to create the story of the "A-Force." Wilson is known for her works in "Ms. Marvel" and "X-Men" while Bennett was behind the comic "Angela: Agent of Asgard" and "Earth 2: World's End," said IGN.

Meanwhile, illustrator Jorge Molina would create the drawings. Molina has also done pencils for "X-Men," "Avengers World" and "Wolverine."

The new all-female team would be introduced in the new "Secret Wars" series of Marvel, which would debut in May.

According to rumors, the "Secret Wars" would prompt the creation of the "A-Force" when the home of the superheroes in Arcadia, a feminist society, is threatened.

Among the characters that would be included in the "A-Force" are She-Hulk, Medusa, Storm and Jubilee from the X-Men, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Spider-Woman and Moondragon, said The Guardian.

Meanwhile, a new character would also be introduced in the series, said Marvel. The new superhero, called "Singularity," is not exactly human but instead is a cosmological force that has taken human form.

According to Wilson, the new superhero team would be quite different from the other teams created by Marvel in the past.

"We've purposefully assembled a team composed of very different characters - from disparate part of the Marvel U, with very different power sets, identities and ideologies," she said to The Guardian. "They'll have to come together to answer some big questions: What would you sacrifice to succeed? What is being a hero worth?"

It seems that the upcoming release of the new all-female comic book series is very timely. According to Tech Times, around 47 percent of comic book fans are female, which is a good market for this new series.

The two authors attribute the positive response to the new "A-Force" series to social media.

"Women have always read comics. It's not that there are more women reading them now. But I think that historically there have not been as many safe and welcoming spaces for women to talk about comics. And Tumblr and Twitter have provided that space where fans can connect with each other," said Wilson.

The series' first comic book would come out on May 2015.

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