7 Reasons Why Long Distance Investing Isn't As Risky As You Think

Let me ask if this sounds familiar. Your market is expensive. Finding cash flowing rental property is very difficult, if not impossible. Your competition is paying way more for the property than you would ever think makes sense, and you feel like you may be in another bubble. You hear people say there are good deals out there, you just have to find them-but, you're giving it your best, and you're just not finding anything.

Or maybe you live in a market that just isn't conducive to long term buy and hold real estate. You recognize the potential to flip homes, but that's not really your thing. Your goal is to replace your active income with passive income, and you know you need rentals to do that. It's obvious your market won't work for that purpose, but it's just as obvious the buy and hold strategy is the right one for you.

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