As we transition into the next season, you've probably already noticed a difference in your power bill. But, conducting a home energy audit can show you even more ways to save.
Evaluating your home's energy use can help you identify small habits that collectively add to your household's overall consumption. Most of us aren't aware of the amount of energy we use needlessly everyday.
Keep reading to learn how your family can reduce waste, carbon emissions, and utility costs with a quick and easy home energy audit.
Locate Problem Areas
Setting up a home energy audit only requires a few things to get started, such as:
The last few bills for each energy source you want to measure
Energy-monitoring software
Tools to locate and evaluate energy monitors ( flashlight, screwdriver, pipe insulation, etc.)
Spending the time to go through each possible entry point will help you to maximize your savings. Finding vulnerabilities such as water leaks and faulty power breakers can also prevent you from spending more on costly repairs, if left unattended.
Review Bills for Sudden Changes
If your power bill has unexpectedly increased or decreased from one month to the next, that could be a sign that something isn't working properly.
Comparing your invoices can give you a great starting point by directing you toward possible leaks, breaks, or other damaged equipment.
Use Auditing Software
One of your best defenses against energy waste is combining your manual efforts with home energy auditing software.
Auditing software helps you to find where your home is losing energy, which will point you in the right direction to resolve it.
Using a home auditing program helps you to find vulnerabilities and problem areas that you may have otherwise overlooked. This is a key piece in any comprehensive home energy audit.
Monitor Passive Consumption
Did you know that your devices are sucking up energy even when they're powered down? Keeping appliances and electronic devices plugged in when they aren't being used could be dramatically affecting your utility budget.
Performing a home audit could help you rid your home of wasteful electricity consumption. You might be unaware of what is causing the "vampire load."
As a simple fix, you can use power strips to quickly and easily turn your electronics off when they aren't being used.
Find Gas Leaks
Conducting a home energy audit can greatly reduce your power bill, while keeping your household safe.
Harmful gas leaks are just one of the issues that can be uncovered by performing an audit.
Gas leaks are dangerous, and they're wasteful. In many cases, a higher power bill might be your first clue that gas is silently escaping your home.
To keep your home as safe and efficient as possible, make sure that you're testing for gas leaks on a regular basis. If you suspect that there is a gas leak anywhere in your home, it's best to resolve the issue immediately.
Account for Every Drop
Water waste is another factor that can affect your home's collective footprint. Leaky taps, old pipes, and human error can all account for a substantial increase in your water bill.
Using home energy auditing software gives you a clear way to find areas of improvement. Water insecurity affects a fair portion of the world, and reducing your consumption is one way to make a positive impact.
Bonus: Boost Resale Value
Conducting a home energy audit can help you save AND earn money over time.
By helping you to identify ways to make your home more efficient, you can get a head start on repairs and renovations that can increase your home's value.
A recent study determined that "energy-efficient" properties sell for 5.8 percent more than conventional homes.
Conducting a home energy audit is a simple and fast method for increasing the safety, value, efficiency of your household. Cut through your utility bills while also making your home more conscious and sustainable - one outlet at a time.