Everybody knows that chickens belong outside in de country. That is the place where they have a lot of space to roam around. Looks great, sounds farm-like.
It is just for that reason that people want these lovely animals in their garden. Because of the country-feeling. Even when they don't live in the country at all. Wouldn't it be a great idea that if you want chickens you escape to the country?
Chickens make a lot of noise. They are great communicators, scientists say. They can produce thirty different sounds! They are social beings with a pecking order. So... go out with them!
They are very curious
On the other hand; You have to know that chickens get bored quickly. That's mostly a problem because when they get bored they act irritating and they start pecking each other. That is the reason why they have to eat regularly, why they must have the possibility to walk around, climb the stairs and so on. They don't have to go on a holiday to southern Spain (translated to Dutch: vakantie Zuid Spanje), but you have to keep them buzzy. They want to go around and root in the ground a bit. Again... go out with them!
Eggs or fertilized eggs
It's great and healthy to have your 'own' eggs in de morning. Most people have chickens in their garden for that reason. They build a loft with laying nests. A rooster is not needed. Unless you want little chickens. A rooster also protects the hens against outside danger. Is that what you want?
Experts mean that it is wise to put one rooster between ten to thirty hens. If a hen is fertilized, she lays fertilized eggs for two weeks.
Scurrying outdoor life
By knowing this you can imagine that keeping chickens in a crowded neighborhood is not wise at all. Chickens need shrubs to hide under and a good night loft to sleep in. That takes up some space. Mostly not available in a garden in a city district.
Are you crazy about chickens and are unperturbed in wanting them? Go and find another place to live. Go out of the city and into the country. That gives you enough space for yourself ánd your chickens to have a great rural life. With a huge kitchen filled up with a long table and a Miele wine cooler (translated to Dutch: Miele wijnklimaatkast) and an old fashioned cooker.
Go for it, go out in the country
So put your 14-inch laptop bag (translated to Dutch: laptoptas 14 inch) and fancy sneakers aside, go for a rural outfit and some heavy boots and go out in the country. There is no doubt chickens are lovely animals. They are a great company, provide you with eggs, and eat your leftovers.