5 Options for creating senior-friendly bathrooms

Making use of bathrooms is rarely an issue if you're at the peak of your life. But when people start to reach old age, even a trip to the bathroom can pose significant risks. By the time people reach 60 years old, they are more likely to experience health problems, especially if they haven't been living a healthy lifestyle in their younger years.

More than the health problems, an aging body can be prone to accidents, especially in the bathroom. The good news is that bathroom breaks can be less stressful for seniors these days. By using some handy and affordable options, like installing a medical alert system, we can create senior-friendly bathrooms in our house. Learn more about them here:

Put up lever faucets

Seniors are prone to experiencing illnesses like arthritis. This particular ailment takes place when the immune system fires at the body's tissues. It can affect various body parts, including the wrist.

But with levers, it can become easier for people who suffer wrist discomforts to turn the water on and off. Other types of faucets require less effort from people who want to use it.

Add sprayer for showerhead

Standing in the shower is a no-sweat job for people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. But for older people, taking a shower can become challenging.

Try installing a removable shower head that the elderly can use without having to move around too much. They also won't have to worry about standing for too long because of the extended shower head.

Install rails and grab bars on bathroom walls

Rails and grab bars help seniors stand up from the shower or stay upright. They also prevent them from slipping on the floor. If you are low on budget, this may be the first option that you should consider.

Make sure to put the grab bars at sensible places or right where an average person's stomach level falls. Make sure to place them near the vital areas like the toilet, the bathroom entrance, the shower entrance, and the bathtub.

Add non-slip rugs

This trick is another low cost but very effective way to make your senior-friendly bathrooms. One of the things that can happen when people reach 60 is that they have less effective eyesight and balance. Reflexes are also highly affected.

Adding non-slip rugs or rug pads can become very effective in promoting bathroom safety. There are different sizes, and designs you can choose from that will suit your budget.

Raise the toilet to senior-friendly height

Once senior years kick in, it can become hard for a person to get up from a complete sitting position. This difficulty is due to the thinning muscles that are relatively harder to build.

By raising the toilet even just by three inches, you eliminate the need for the senior to strain themselves further to get up again. There are many ways you can try to do this, depending on your time and budget.

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