Purchasing a replacement window is not always the best option to save on heating or cooling costs. There are still simple and inexpensive solutions to make energy efficient windows.
How to make energy-efficient windows
Make sure the window is properly cleaned. Your window must be thoroughly cleaned before you even begin with any of the following energy-saving solutions. You can use a mixture of one part vinegar and four parts water to clean the window. Spray the vinegar solution on the window and wipe away the dirt and grime using a sponge. Then dry and polish the glass using an old newspaper.
Caulk the gaps. The cold and heat can enter through the gaps between window glass, sash, and frame. Caulking is an inexpensive way to seal these gaps. You can use non-elastic caulk, which can be painted if you are caulking from the inside. If caulking from the outside, a silicon-based caulk is recommended.
When applying caulk, make sure to apply it to all joints in the window frame. Caulk should also be applied to joints where the wall and the frame meet. Make sure that the caulk you apply sticks to both sides of the gap.
Install awnings. Awnings work great at reducing the amount of solar heat the enters the house. You can install an awning covering a single window or an awning that can cover a larger portion of your house.
The cost of the awning would depend on the type and features. Some options include canvas fabric, manual retractable awnings, metal awnings, non-rollup, and mechanical retractable.
Hang heavy curtains. You can also hang heavy curtains that fall a bit below the window. There are affordable second-hand options that you can buy. Make sure that your draw the curtain when no one is in the room.
Another option is to use insulated draperies. Thermal draperies are good at keeping heat out when the weather is hot and keeping the room warm during colder months. Window blinds also help make windows more energy efficient. Blinds can help in reducing heat by up to 45 percent. However, they are good at keeping the room warm during winter.
Add window film. When it's uncomfortably hot during sunny days, you can consider window films. Tinted films can help reduce heat build-up in the room.
There are also several types of films that you can choose for your windows, including decorative, solar, and safety and security window films. Solar window films can block infrared and ultraviolet rays. Not only will you be reducing heat gain but also protect your skin from these harmful rays.
Consider installing storm windows. You can consider installing exterior storm windows to improve energy efficiency. Storm windows help in reducing air movement into and out of the windows.
Storm windows are considered more efficient that installing double-paned glass. They are known to have better air-sealing qualities and can retain temperature better. They can also hello eliminate condensation, reduce noise, and protect the main windows from extreme weather conditions.