How the Whole Hotel Sector Prepares for Winter Season

When the winter comes, how does the whole hotel sector prepares for the season? Do they have elaborate plans for it? Or just simple ones instead? You might be surprised at how many hotel chains in this sector prepares for this kind of season each year.

This winter season will also be the first with the COVID-19 ongoing, and their sector was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic.

According to Hotel News Now, below are the known steps and preparations made by various managements of various hotel chains. They usually follow the steps below to ensure that there will be no problems during the winter season:

1. Weatherproofing both inside and outside.

It makes sure that the building itself is much prepared for the upcoming winter season. It can help with the overall maintenance and upkeep of the hotel itself.

2. Pools are kept open during the season.

    It may sound baffling, but it is highly advised by most hotel chain experts to keep their pools open and available. It is to attract potential new customers during that season.

    3. Making sure that food and drinks are updated.

      To attract new customers and keep their patrons, hotel chains and their managements must keep their food and beverage choices new and fresh.

      Aside from those preparations, there are several ways for those same hotel chains to keep their business up during the said season. According to TripleSeat, below are some ways that some hotel chains keep their business up and running during that season, especially if it's a long winter season.

      Ways to Keep Business Up and Running During the Winter Season

      1. Customer's extension stays, and the purchase of save deals.
      2. Various hotel management can utilize their free space to decorate and match it with the current season.
      3. Making themed offers and different group packages.
      4. Having partnership programs or deals with neighboring establishments to provide unique deals.
      5. Always reward valued customers in most cases.

      Lastly, the most important thing for most hotel chains and their corresponding management is adapting to future trends and technologies. Being able to adapt to new things immediately can help them to be in the hotel sector game.

      According to FDomes, there are some hotels that are fully adapting to the winter season by basing their hotel operations on that season. It can help strive a lot during the long winter months and in locations wherein the climate has a major winter season.

      Unique Winter Ideas That Hotel Chains Can Adapt To

      • They can develop their hotel presence into a unique winter-themed hotel - this can be easily done by most hotels, especially those located in counties known to have long winter seasons. It makes their hotel appearance and the environment very unique from the others.
      • Hotels can invest in various winter glamping - they can offer glamorous camping (hence glamping) sites based on the winter season for their guests. It can potentially attract many new customers, especially for those looking for a winter-themed glamping place.
      • Provide ample protection from the snow and cold - even though you are making a winter-themed hotel and/or glamping area, you must still provide proper protection for the customers. Ample snow and cold protection is a must for hotels that are operating in winter locations.
      • Provide a social point in your hotel - this is essential if you want to keep customers coming in and back to the hotel premises. Having a place where people can meet up during the winter season can help run the business during the winter season.

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