[VIRAL] Cancel Rent: Man Lifts Rent Fees to Help Students Amid Pandemic

Amidst the negativity, a landlord with a kind and big heart has canceled all of his tenants' 2020 rents to help them get through this challenging year. This kind act of gesture had brought joy to the hearts of his current tenants, who are mostly students. Thanks to his good deed, he has gained the praise of many internet people online and the media who got wind of this positive story.

The Landlord That Canceled The Rents of His Tenants For 2020

[VIRAL] 2020 Rent-Free: Man Cancels All Rents of his Tenants Amid Pandemic
A demonstrator calls on the governor to suspend rent and mortgage payments to help those who have lost their income due to the coronavirus during a protest on April 30, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois. On May 1, the state of Illinois will begin requiring everyone to wear a face mask in public when social distancing is not possible to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. The state is currently on a "stay at home" mandated by the governor until May 30. Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

According to CorrectNG, the Nigerian landlord named Steven Ukpabi has won the hearts of his current tenants in his hostel property by canceling all of their 2020 rents. Most of his tenants were students that were studying in Umudike, Abia. Thanks to his kind act, he has been praised for it on most social media platforms, especially on Facebook.

2020 rent canceled for everyone. All the students living in Sungai Pacific Lodge Umudike who paid their rent early this... Posted by Steven Ukpabi on Thursday, 10 December 2020

Do take note that a few months back, notably in March 2020, the Academic Staff Union of Universities have started a strike that month that lasted up to 9 months. And many students are stuck at home since the start of the pandemic outbreak. This made the owner of the hostel, Steven Ukpabi, to realize that most of them have spent their time indoors learning what they can during the lockdown periods.

Due to the following situation of the Micheal Okpara university students are facing, Ukpabi has canceled all of the rents of those students that were living in his hostel named Sungai Pacific Lodge. The said hostel property is located in Umudike.

The said landlord has offered two options for the students living in his hotel property: either to have their 2020 rent refunded or it can be instead used as fresh, new payments for the year 2021. Many of his renters have thanked him enough for this kind act he has given to them, but also the various internet people who have seen his post online, especially on Facebook.

Other Landlords Have Also Canceled Their Tenants' Rent

Aside from Ukpabi, there are other landlords in different countries that have done the same thing. According to The New York Times, a Brooklyn landlord has canceled the rents of his tenants in his property, wherein the amount of theirs. He said that he didn't care about losing income from his tenants, but instead are worried about their health instead.

The owner of the said property, Mario Salerno, has waived the rent of his 18 tenants in his rental property in New York City. During the start of the lockdown period during April, many experts have stated that 40% of overall renters in the city would not be able to pay their rent. Seeing this issue, Mario has decided to cancel the rent for the month of April to help his renters get through that month.

Even though he had 80 apartments, with a possible number of 200 to 300 tenants overall, the owner have stated that he didn't care about the income he will surely lose for that month. Instead, he is worried about the health and welfare of his tenants during the pandemic.

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