New housing law in New York City has recently been passed. It is a law that outright bans the display of any kind of hate symbols in one's home and/or property. This includes the display of Confederate flags, as, under the new law, it will be under the category of hate symbols. This will help to avoid having tensions between people with different ideologies and beliefs, alongside avoiding having racists implications via the usage of hate speech and symbols.

A New Law That Bans Any Form of Hate Symbols Such as Confederate Flags
The said law is proposed and signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. according to ABC News. This aims to ban the sale, distribution, and display of various hate symbols in one's property within the state. This includes the Confederate flag, the German swastikas, and other forms of hate symbols. However, it is meeting some opposition since it can possibly violate the protection of free speech.
According to Gov. Cuomo, he wanted many Americans living in New York to avoid feeling the fear-instilling effects that those hate symbols might bring. They say that it is a symbol of exclusion, racism, oppression, and violence towards African Americans. The display of those said hate symbols, especially along state fairgrounds, will be banned. It will also target those who are displaying it on their property regardless.
One of the most talked-about parts of this is the banning of Confederate flag display, as it has become part of national reckoning against racial injustice. It is considered racist (when using the said flag) and became notorious since the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) have used the flag on several occassions in the past.
The momentum for the debates over this controversial aspect especially grew in the summer season. This is due to the death of George Floyd under police custody. During the said debate, many have agreed to remove the display of the Confederate flag alongside other materials related to it. They are composed of various several states, many companies, and organizations.
However, there are exceptions to this law, like those used in museums as historical materials or parts of a service or for image and history books that are used for both historical and educational purposes. Still, the said law faces an opposition as mentioned earlier due to free speech.
The Said Law Faces Opposition Against the People Believing in Free Speech
According to, one attorney named Floyd Abrams stated that the said law comes into conflict with the First Amendment as obstruction of expression. He added that even the expression of hate speech is under it and says that the said law is unconstitutional by nature.
Due to that message from Abrams, Gov. Cuomo has stated in defense that there are "technical changes to be made" to the said law. The said changes are made to ensure that free speech protections aren't violated by it. He and the Legislature have agreed to work on the said law.
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