New House Trends in 2021 That Will Make Your Home Brand New

A new year, some new trends in the housing sector. But what kind of housing trends would be the new hit this 2021? Will there be simple trends or some outrageous ones? Or even in-between the two?

Some New House Trends To Keep an Eye Out for This 2021

There are many new trends related to housing and the housing market as a whole this year. According to, listed below are upcoming and expected housing trends that will be surely popular in this year of the cow. We highly advise you to take note of the following, especially if you are either going to buy a new home this year or will be renovating your home:

  1. Kitchen style: Dressed up and tailored
  2. Kitchen cabinets: Lightwood cabinet colors
  3. Kitchen cabinets: Cabinet fronts having a "Skinny Shaker" look
  4. Kitchen zone: A multizone kitchen space
  5. Kitchen backsplashes: Zellige tiles will be the new trend
  6. Kitchen tiles: Tile patterns that are smaller in scale
  7. Kitchen countertops: Mixture of charcoal and gray shades
  8. Kitchen sinks and faucets: Stations that will be meant as hardworking sinks
  9. Kitchen sinks and faucets: Future-ready hands-free faucets
  10. Kitchen sinks and faucets: Having a white matte finish as their color
  11. Kitchen lighting: A combination of cone lights and swing-arm lights
  12. Bathrooms: Showers will become curbless
  13. Bathrooms: We will have larger showers
  14. Bathroom tiles: Another Zellige tile pattern area
  15. Bathroom tiles: Oversized bathroom tiles usage
  16. Bathroom tiles: Showers will have slab quartz & porcelain finishes
  17. Bathroom tiles: Patterns would be stacked piles
  18. Bathroom tiles: Accents for most tiles would be metallic
  19. Outdoors: Pergolas in the outdoors would be the hottest
  20. Outdoors: Outdoor cottages will sell like pancakes
  21. Outdoors: Pass-through routes will be common
  22. Outdoors: Having peaceful gardens is a must
  23. Outdoors: Swimming pools will remain a thing for outdoors
  24. Home offices: Dedicated spaces at home for work-from-home situations
  25. Home offices: Having work nooks for working at home
  26. Home layouts: Most layouts will be redesigned over
  27. Laundry rooms: Goodbye boring rooms; Hello new soothing-styled rooms
  28. Laundry rooms: Basket storages in laundry rooms will be present
  29. Sanitation requirements: Household lighting would be mostly hands-free
  30. Sanitation requirements: Most household materials will be cleanable
  31. Bedrooms: Headboards will be channel-truffled in design
  32. House colors: Brown and beige colors will make a comeback
  33. Exteriors: Front doors will be stylish
  34. Interiors: Internal backgrounds will be suitable for Zoom calls
  35. Interiors: A new nourishing home design with cleaner air

Other Notable Housing Trends for This Year of 2021

Aside from those trends mentioned above, there are still many more new housing trends that will be common this year of 2021. According to Forbes, below are some other notable trends in the housing sector this year:

  • Most housing sales will have an overall increase of 7%, while housing prices will likely increase at least 5.7%.
  • Many new homes constructed this year will be of the single-family home types.
  • New homes and existing ones will fully utilize newer house technologies, to keep up with newer trends.
  • Many experts sees that the end of 2021 with a higher overall sales and performance than of 2020.
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