Real Estate Company RangeWater Selects A New Management Tool

The known real estate company RangeWater has chosen a new management tool in order to streamline their real estate operations, in order to smoothen operations. Doing so will greatly help RangeWater in the handling of their operations related to the real estate industry in general.

RangeWater Chooses Leonardo247

According to Business Wire, RangeWater has recently selected the said management tool/software in order to simplify their real estate industry operations. It is noted that RangeWater is one of the leading in the multifamily real estate industry.

The two main reasons as to why they have chosen the said tool/software are the following: due diligence and onsite operations. Since the company has over 50,000 multifamily units being managed across 10 states in the country, that resulted in RangeWater being ranked in the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) 35th in their "50 Largest Apartment Managers List".

The higher-ups in RangeWater highly believe that getting Leonardo247 will help them greatly from their end, including their clients, residents, and employees. By partnering with Leonardo247, people at RangeWater are optimistic that their vision and mission in the real estate industry will be met easier than before.

Meanwhile, the people behind Leonardo247 are also optimistic about their partnership with RangeWater. They have stated that they can save a lot with their operations, their time, and their money. Their management tool/software helps their clients by mainly streamlining their operations to ensure maximum operating capacity and output.

The streamlining of various tasks and operational procedures related to the real estate industry is the expertise of Leonardo247's management tool/software. Their product can handle the following:

  1. Delivering daily tasks
  2. Managing workflow
  3. Various inspections and procedures
  4. Provides real-time visibility

When it comes to handling multifamily real estate properties that are integrated, RangeWater is the one that you can trust. They are currently based in Atlanta, Georgia, and started way back in 2006. Over the years, they have created more than 27,000 multifamily real estate units. That number amounting to $4.7 billion in total capitalization.

Now, in the current time, the company has now a portfolio of 50,000 multifamily real estate units within the 10 states their units are present. Currently, they have four offices present: Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, and Tampa, respectively.

Recent Projects of RangeWater

Aside from that real estate news about RangeWater, there are many things that the said real estate company has made in the past few years. According to Triangle Business Journal, they are planning to have major plans for a new apartment complex, namely the Jones Frankline Residential, which is a new multifamily apartment unit. The number of units they are planning to create is 275 units.

The said project will be built upon a nine-acre land that is addressed at 2802 Macedonia Road. The said location will be near various numbers of retail stores and centers that are located south of Interstate 40, making it easier for future residents in the said apartment project to get their needs than in other locations.

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