Elon Musk Recently Lists Five More Real Estate Properties

Billionaire Elon Musk recently lists five (5) more properties on various online real estate marketplaces to ensure that he follows the "Own No House" rule. The "Own No House" rule was a pledge that Musk took as part of his drive and the ultimate goal of his lifetime: successfully colonizing Mars in 2050.

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Tesla Owner Elon Musk Pledged to the "Own No House" Rule

According to Business Insider, Musk is deadly serious in following up on his pledge he made on his official Twitter account that he posted on the 1st of May, 2020. This is in regard to his ultimate plan and goal of colonizing the planet Mars by 2050 with his technology. After a few days of his tweet on that day, five mansion properties have been listed for sale in the popular online real estate marketplace, Zillow. All of those properties are categorized by the website as "For Sale" in their online inventory.

Aside from those five mentioned properties, Musk's other two Bel Air mansion properties have been also listed following the tweet. Doing so will ensure that Musk will have "almost no physical possessions at hand", along with the previously mentioned rule that he had made a pledge to above. It might sound crazy as it seems, but Musk is doing his own thing to make his ultimate goal and dream a reality.

The total amount of all seven listings combine has surpassed the $100 million mark easily. Most of those properties are located within the city of Los Angeles, in the exclusive Bel-Air village wherein many highly popular celebrities and famous people live with extreme privacy and high security, due to their status and fame.

Elon Musk's Mars Colonization Plan: Are We Going To See Martian Real Estate?

If you are wondering when we are going to be able to see some Earthlings on Mars, it might be sooner than you think. According to CNBC News, to make the colonization of the Red Planet possible, it will take around 1,000 spaceships that will most likely contain tons and tons of Vitamin C to sustain life on the planet. Oh, the amount of Vitamin C needed to make it successful will be around "a million tons", coming from Musk himself.

Aside from that he mentioned, he insists that in order for us humans from Earth to be able to live on Mars, self-sustaining cities like what you see in most science fiction movies and novels are needed. He said that those self-sustaining cities should be able to survive on their own if suddenly supply ships from Earth stop coming one day. In order to achieve perfect self-sustainability, a city on Mars should have everything essential for human survival on the said planet.

Musk stated that the trip going to the Red Planet will be akin to a very long sea voyage. To avoid the tales of the old wherein sailors would die of scurvy on the open seas, tons of Vitamin C supply is essential for the said trip to Mars.

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