From Being Nomad to Stationary, Real Estate's Known History

Having a Nomad lifestyle was the norm before in pre-historic and pre-industrial times in the history of real estate. But it is now stationary today, wherein most of the real estate of today are fixed in one location, usually being a huge subdivision or an executive village. How did it become like that and what is the history of real estate as a whole?

Nomad To Stationary: What Is the History of Real Estate?

According to Investopedia, there are several stages in the history of real estate. It might sound complicated, but the history surrounding the real estate industry is easy to follow, as long as you understand the era of its history details being in. Listed next below are the known details about the history of real estate per era:

The Era of Pre-Historic Living - according to experts and historians, this is the time in human history wherein many of our ancestors decided to abandoned the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and started civilizations with agrarian society (around 30,000 to 15,000 B.C.E.). That means that agriculture was introduced to their society, being a stable source of food for a living, therefore removing the heavy need in hunting for food unlike in the past.

The Introduction of Staking Claims & Early Real Estate Terms and Solutions - after that, a system was introduced on how to handle and settle land-related problems via leaders in their community. Furthermore, various similar real estate tools and systems were introduced, such as a full irrigation system, effective farming methods, and various strongholds.

The Concept of Communities Provided Protection - since tight-knit communities are the result of the creation of agrarian living, many former hunter-gatherers are enticed to live within due to the convenience and protection it provides. This is where the concept of rent started to materialize, although it was not limited to renting homes at the time; that eventually gave rise to the systems of taxes and tenancy to be used.

The Rise of Kingdoms and Royalties - this is the era wherein kingdoms started to become prominent in many locations worldwide, usually a location ruled by a royalty (either a king or queen, a monarchy or something similar) that is protected by gated and towering walls and its own armies. The idea of using titles and deeds became widespread during this era and many "landlords" are assigned by royalties or people in a higher position to handle real estate properties by that time.

The Downfall of Kingdoms and The Rise of Politics And Modern Society - after a few decades of that kind of society, many kingdoms and royalties have died out over time, and instead, modern politics was introduced to the modern society as we know it today. This is the era wherein the industry of real estate started to grow and expand to what it is now today.

Where Did The Term Real Estate Come From?

As for the term "real estate" and its origin, there is a simple answer for that. According to Quora, the term was first used and originated in the 1660s, wherein the word "real" meant "existing, true" from the Latin word "realis". Meanwhile, the word "estate" roughly translates to "of the land". It may sound confusing, but it makes sense whne you think about it from your end.

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