One of the many side effects of the Pandemic over the last two years has been the demand for housing. Families forced to combine work, school, and pleasure all from the same dwelling have realized they need more space than ever before. This has created a sellers' market in the real estate industry as demand for new housing far outpaces supply. The result has been overinflated sales in many parts of the country where potential buyers find themselves in bidding wars for a house that doesn't necessarily meet all their needs and most likely will require extensive renovations.
Instead of looking at resale homes, now is the perfect time to consider a new build. People often shy away from new builds because they think they can't afford them. However, this couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact new builds are comparable to buying a resale home. What is even more important is that when building a new home you can get exactly what you want.
Planning Your New Home
When planning your new home you have many things to consider. Of course space is the most important, but you will want to customize that space to fit your family's needs. Now, more than ever, is the time to pay close attention to how your home is to be used. The Pandemic has brought both work and school home and this dynamic is not going to change any time soon. In fact many corporations have discovered increased productivity from their homebound employees, and school districts have discovered that virtual classes are a way to keep students from falling behind when absent.
Do you need office space, space for a virtual classroom, a fitness area, as well as the traditional kitchen, livingroom, dining, and bedroom areas? Is outdoor living a priority for you and your family? Building your own home will allow you to tick off all these boxes.
Going Green
The beauty of building a home from the ground up is that you can take advantage of the latest energy efficient features to make your home and lifestyle truly green. Consider a solar roof so you can stay off the grid. Quality glass and insulation will ensure your home remains cool during the summer and warm in the winter. There are numerous building materials that are considered environmentally sustainable that you can use both inside and outside your home. Even the home's orientation can cut down your energy bills. Ultimately you will save money on utilities and add value to your home when you decide to complete an environmentally responsible new build.
Finding Your Dream Green Team
Though the construction industry has historically been notorious for its consumption of raw materials, recent years have shown a much needed trend for builders who embrace the concept of sustainable building. Do your research carefully. You will want a team that is experienced in energy efficient building. Ideally, an experienced team will know how to set up an environmentally responsible building site as well. Yes, if you are truly committed to going green, start at the very beginning of your build. Your contractor should set up one of those extremely useful mobile office trailers, be committed to using LED lights on site, and keep the environment in mind by setting up compostable containers with a compost bin, recycling bins, and providing reusable water bottles. Dumpsters should also be clearly marked. Composting toilets can be used with the waste applied to your new landscaping at the end of the build.
You Are The Boss
Remember, this is your dream home and you are the boss. Many people, who decide to build new, are often afraid to speak up when dealing with their project manager, choosing to defer to his or her expertise instead. What people forget is that the construction team they hire is working for them. Your building manager's experience is invaluable to your decision making. So use it, but don't be afraid to ask questions when you don't understand and state your opinions and desires. You have done your research, you know what you want, so your ideas are very important. You and the people you have hired are a team working together to build your dream home, but ultimately you are the boss. Any builder you choose should always keep you in the loop every step of the way. Even if you can't be on site often, a responsible builder will conduct virtual meetings with you on a regular basis.
If you have found that you are among the thousands who have outgrown your living space, and you have been outbid on yet another resale home, consider having everything you want by building your new dream home, customized to meet your family's ever changing needs.