Among all the types of floorings, hardwood floor is by far the most popular option due to its aesthetic value and durability. Hardwood floors can add a touch of beauty to your space that no one other flooring can. They also don't require much in terms of maintenance like other flooring options, making them ideal for use in commercial spaces. If you are a busy soul, you can opt for this type of flooring for your house to avoid spending too much time taking care of it.
Once you've chosen to go forward with hardwood flooring, you can pick a professional service for the job or can take on a DIY project and save a few bucks. Whichever path you choose, you must keep a few tips in mind for smooth installation. Below are five tips you must consider if you decide to install hardwood flooring in your place.
Pick the Best Installation Method for Your Budget
Depending on your budget, taste, and condition of the subfloor, you can choose to install the flooring in one of four different ways. There are other ways of installing it, but these four are by far the most popular methods. They are, glue down, click lock, nail-down, and staple down methods.
The most common and cost-effective method among the four is the glue-down method. In this method, glue is spread on the subfloor with a trowel, and the pieces are placed on it evenly. The glue sticks the wooden pieces to your subfloor.
The click lock method is more popular in the case of engineered wood. The boards already come with locks and tongues that can click and stick to each other.
The nail-down and staple methods are more durable but it requires your subfloor to be in great condition. In both cases, a nailer or a stapler is used to nail or staple down the wooden or plywood boards to the subfloor in a way that the nails or staples don't show.
Acclimate the Boards before Installing
The boards can shrink or lose their shape after taking in the temperature and humidity of your space. So, it's important to acclimate them to your room before installing them. Bring them from the boxes, mix and match the boards and randomly place them in the designated room. Leave them for at least 3-5 days for the best results. After they have changed or retained their shapes and have been acclimated, choose the straightest one for installing by the length of the wall. You will also find pieces that have lost some shape and texture. Keep them for the corners and last rows of the space.
Prepare the Subfloor
Preparing the subfloor is an important step that you cannot miss. To ensure a smooth installation, you have to keep the subfloor clean and dust free. Also, it needs to be level and must not contain any ridges of inconsistencies for the boards to adhere properly.
To prepare it, remove any old flooring and thoroughly clean up the space. This can increase the cost of the project. Alternatively, you can add the new flooring on top of the old one. In that case, the new flooring will be slightly higher than the old one and can look inconsistent. But it can provide good insulation for the installation.
Cut and Fasten the Boards for Best Installation
Using electric cutters or saws is the best way to cut boards for installation. Always cut them in perfect squares or at a 90-degree angle for the best fit. Use a jigsaw for curved or irregular pieces.
Fasten the boards with a nailer for best results, and choose between face nailing or blind nailing methods. Always begin installing from the straightest wall. Keep enough gap between the wall and the boards to accommodate any expansion in the future. Cut and place wooden pieces to finish the last few rows as required. Use putty to hide scratches or ridges caused by the nails.
Maintain Hardwood Floors for Durability
Even though hardwood floors don't require too much maintenance, you should care for them enough to make them last for years. If left without proper care, the wooden floor can fade or crack. Try to remove the surface dust as often as you can. If you're unable to care for the floor daily, at least keep a weekly schedule for the best results.
Use a vacuum or a mop to remove the dust and to avoid buildups. Dampen the mop and clean the surface at least once every week. Every three to four months, polish the wooden floor to retain its shine. There are special cleaners for wooden surfaces. Try to use those to care for your floor.
Hardwood floors undoubtedly add a touch of elegance to your home. If installed properly and taken care of, they can last for years and save you a ton of money in maintenance or upgrade. Due to its timeless beauty, hardwood floors can be in vogue for decades and make your home or space look fabulous.