5 Things You Should Never Keep in Your Bathroom

Tips for Renovating Your New Bathroom
Tips for Renovating Your New Bathroom

Your bathroom should be a sanctuary of cleanliness and relaxation, but certain items can detract from its functionality and hygiene.

In this article, we'll explore five things you should avoid storing in your bathroom to maintain a clean and organized space.

Makeup Products

While it may be convenient to apply makeup in the bathroom, storing makeup products in this humid environment can lead to bacterial growth and product deterioration. Moisture and fluctuating temperatures can cause makeup to spoil faster, leading to potential skin irritation or infection. Instead, store makeup in a cool, dry area away from the bathroom, such as a bedroom vanity or makeup organizer.


The bathroom's humidity and temperature fluctuations can compromise the effectiveness of medications and supplements. Exposure to moisture can cause pills to degrade or dissolve, rendering them ineffective or potentially harmful. Store medications in a dry, cool location, such as a medicine cabinet or designated medicine storage area, to ensure their potency and safety.

Books and Magazines

While reading material may provide entertainment during bathroom breaks, storing books and magazines in the bathroom exposes them to moisture and bacteria. Paper-based materials can absorb moisture from the air, leading to warping, mold growth, and degradation. Keep reading material in a dry area outside the bathroom to preserve their condition and hygiene.


Storing excess toiletries, cleaning supplies, or other household items in the bathroom can create clutter and diminish available space. Additionally, items stored in the bathroom are exposed to moisture and humidity, which can degrade their quality and efficacy over time. Keep bathroom essentials to a minimum and store excess supplies in a designated storage area outside the bathroom.

Things Without "Permanent" Spots

Items that lack designated storage spots can contribute to bathroom clutter and disorganization. Randomly placing items on countertops, shelves, or ledges not only creates visual clutter but also makes it difficult to locate items when needed. Establish designated storage areas for commonly used items such as towels, toiletries, and cleaning supplies to maintain a tidy and functional bathroom space.

By avoiding storing these five items in your bathroom, you can create a cleaner, more organized space that promotes hygiene and relaxation.

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