Rent prices vary from state to state, with individuals paying as little as $670 in some areas and as much as $1,800 in others.
The average one-bedroom apartment in the United States now rents for $1,217, per AOL. To comfortably rent a median one-bedroom apartment, an individual would need to earn an annual salary of $48,680. "Comfortable" is defined as spending no more than 30% of an individual's gross income on housing costs.
Rent prices are not the same. The median price can increase or decrease depending on the state, region, or place---with homes in the middle of the country typically being cheaper than those on the coasts.
GoBankingRates released a list of one-bedroom rates across the U.S. The outlet used ApartmentList's April 2024 rent data to find the average cost of a one-bedroom apartment in every state. All data was collected and up to date as of April 30, 2024.
Here's how much you need to earn annually to comfortably afford a one-bedroom apartment in the 10 largest states in the country.
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,144
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $45,740
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,848
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $73,900
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $837
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $33,490
New Mexico
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $880
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $35,200
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,152
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $46,090
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,160
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $46,400
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,446
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $57,840
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $786
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $31,420
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,227
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $49,090
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $815
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $32,600
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,111
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $44,430
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $856
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $34,220
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $1,143
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $45,720
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $953
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $38,130
South Dakota
Average one-bedroom monthly rent: $711
Minimum salary needed to comfortably afford the rent: $28,420