‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ Patch & Updates: Ascendance DLC 2 Revealed in Trailer, PS3 Patch Now Live

A week before the second DLC, titled "Ascendance," is scheduled to arrive to "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare," a new gameplay trailer was released to show players the exciting things to expect.

"Ascendance" is expected to hit Microsoft game consoles on March 31. While the long waiting time has been agonizing for fans, it seems that the wait would be worth it based on the recently released trailer.

The trailer highlighted all the new things players would get their hands on as they unpack the upcoming DLC.

The first part of the trailer is dedicated to give gamers a glimpse of the four new locations that would be added to the game, said Tech Times. The first location is Perplex, a five-storey apartment complex. The unique characteristic of this building complex is the changing pathways caused by construction drones that would add a level of difficulty to the players.

The second location is Climate, which shows a river that runs through it. This environmental feature amps up the gameplay because of the unexpected changes that happen to the river at different seasons and times of day.

Next up is Chop Shop, a former industrial building and the last is Site 244 which serves as a secret crash site of an unidentified flying object at the foot of Mt. Rushmore.

Aside from the new locations, the trailer also showed the two new weapons that gamers could use, such as the OHM-Werewolf which is actually a bonus weapon.

The clip also showed the Exo Zombies, which was continued from the first DLC pack titled, "Havoc." According to Cinema Blend, four new celebrities would be featured fighting against the legion of the undead.

One would find John Malkovich, Rose McGowan, Jon Bernthal, and Bill Paxton take down zombies that are stronger and quicker in the new update, said another report in Cinema Blend.

The "Ascendance DLC" would be available separately at $15 or as part of the Season Pass for $49.99.

Meanwhile, Playstation Lifestyle noted that a patch was released to fix the glitches in the "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" version for the PlayStation 3. This is the same patch that arrived earlier to PlayStation 4 on March 11. Further testing caused the delay to ensure it works and addresses all the problems in the last-gen console.

The new patch would fix the weapon balancing option and add in-game updates, challenge, emblem, score streak, and UI updates.

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