‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Cast, Update & Release Date: More Characters for the Upcoming Sequel Leaked?

Ever since it was announced that "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is happening, fans of the George Lucas original have been looking forward to see which characters would return and who will be the new additions to the cast. Now, a photo spread in the latest issue of Vanity Fair seemed to have revealed lots of new characters for the highly anticipated sequel.

Annie Leibovitz, the photographer who took the photos, went all the way to London to film the actors in production at the Pinewood Studios, said Vanity Fair.

The photo shoot finally confirmed the rumors that "Girls" actor Adam Driver is on board the cast as the bad guy Kylo Ren, reported Digital Trends. His character would be the villain in the upcoming film to use the three-pronged lightsaber, which fans saw in the first teaser video of the film.

Leibovitz photographed the actor with two snow troopers behind him, while Driver himself wears the black cloak that fans saw him don in the first teaser video for the film. The cloak is a dead giveaway as to which side Driver would take in the highly anticipated sequel.

Kylo Ren is part of the First Order, the new empire formed when Emperor Palpatine lost in the film, "Return of the Jedi."

Meanwhile, Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o has also been confirmed for the film. The 65-year-old photographer captured the actress with tracking dots scattered all over her face which seems to answer the question on whether she would play a computer-generated and motion captured character in the film, wrote IGN.

Nyong'o is portraying Maz Kanata in the upcoming movie. However, not too many details have been revealed about her allegiance and which side she would fight for in the story.

However, the photo that showed the galactic travelers in her castles hinted that she could be of the same kind as Hans Solo. Such hint still does not guarantee if she'd be part of the good side though.

Another photo of Leibovitz confirmed the reports that "Game of Thrones" actress Gwendoline Christie is part of the cast, said another article in Vanity Fair. The actress, who played Brienne of Tarth in the hit HBO TV series, was seen in the recent video released to promote the film.

Christie would portray Captain Phasma from the First Order. However, given her new costume, she was already dubbed as the "Chrometrooper."

Fans expect more character revelations when the digital edition of Vanity Fair comes out on May 7.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is set to hit theaters on December 2015.

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