'Star Wars: Uprising' Tells The Story After Return of the Jedi

If you are wondering what happened between Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens, then a game might have the answer. IGN reports that the newest Start Wars game fills the gap between the two Lucas' masterpieces. Game developer, Lucasfilm, has tapped Daniel Erickson to work on the game. Erickson said that some parts of it led him to lock himself in a room and read the movie scripts just to get the feel of the game.

Erickson, however, did not reveal too much information. He also confirmed that there were instances where Lucasfilm will ask him to alter something during sitdown meetings in order to make the game in line with the plot of the films.

As for the storyline of Uprising, Erickson was very delighted to provide insights. After the Emperor's Death in Return of the Jedi, the word about the death spread like wildfire in the galaxy. When the news finally reached the Imperial controlled region, the Anoat sector, local Imperial Governor Adelhard ordered a complete lockdown - traffic and communications were completely shut down thus making the people of the sector prisoners.

Star Wars: Uprising will be doing a beta testing soon in selected territories in the next couple of weeks. The game is expected to be rolled out formally in the Fall and will include two chapters. The third is on the pipeline as Erickson confirmed that the script and storyline is with Lucasfilms.

In a related update about the Star Wars game, Game Spot was disappointed about it and said that based on the teasers released, it was unclear what the gameplay was trying to say.

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