New iPhone 6S or iPhone 7 Release Date Leaked By Vodafone

A new iPhone will be released on September 25th while preorders will start off on September 18, 2015, according to a leaked email picked up by Mobile News.

While said dates remain neither unconfirmed nor denied, there are still no official scheduled dates that have been released by Apple for their upcoming flagship phones. Some even speculate that said leak dates are merely propaganda to further rouse the excitement of waiting.

Curiously, the alleged leaked email simply calls the Apple flagship handset as the 'New iPhone'. It doesn't say whether it will be called an iPhone 6S or 'iPhone 7' which further stirs up speculation that the 'New iPhone' might have or might not have major modifications or revolutionary features than its predecessor. Moreover, the leaked email also did not indicate if the new Iphone will merely be a follow-up to the previous iPhone 6.

Apart from its leaked email source, the accuracy of the rumoured release date for the new iPhone can also be based on past experience. New iPhone models have traditionally been launched September. It must be remembered that the last three models of Apple's flagship iPhones were all released on September. More specifically, the last three models were released on 21, 20, and 19 of September. With that in mind, it is reasonable to think that the new Iphone will similarly be introduced on September 2015 to the market.

According to the Apple Insider, the 2015 "new iPhone", whatever name it will bear, will definitely have an improved camera following the clamour of users for better pictures. It will probably have a 12MP camera. Moreover, the phone's RAM would also be augmented to 2GB in order to smoothly run and support memory-intensive applications such as augmented reality.

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