'Suicide Squad' Scott Eastwood Afraid to Approach Jared Leto on the Set

Suicide Squad has started to build up set stories after stories and recently, Cinemablend reported that Scott Eastwood is afraid to approach Jared Leto as the latter is really into his character. The article also said that Eastwood is truly and really impressed with how Leto is handling his role as the Joker.

According to reports, Leto, as the Joker is taking it to the extremes and Eastwood backed it up with his confirmation that he is very hesitant and afraid to approach the Oscar winner during filming. However, Eastwood clarified that he was afraid not of the character itself or Leto, who he said was a great guy, but he just doesn't want to throw Leto off on his performance as the Joker.

Eastwood was initially rumored to play the role of Steve Trevor, the primary love interest of Wonder Woman but it was proven wrong since up to this date, there were no reports on his character. The only thing that gave away Eastwood was his photo, in set, while in an army uniform, other than that, everything is a big haze as to his role in the upcoming flick.

Leto, like the film legend Daniel Day Lewis, is known to be always in character, to give justice to his portrayals. Through this, he has become one of the most-sought-after young actors today and also helped him to win an Oscar for his role as Rayon in the movie, Dallas Buyers Club.

On a related news on the upcoming film, Screen Rant reported that actor, Jai Courtney, was listed to play Captain Boomerang. The Australian actor said that he had cringed the first time the role was revealed to him since growing up on the other part of the world has made him oblivious of the character.

The movie is set to be released on August 5, 2016.

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