Andrew Milburn took a photo of his office to show his girlfriend that he's at work only to find out that he also caught an unsuspecting ghost wandering around the hospital premises.
According to, Andrew was texting his girlfriend while working night shift at the Leeds General Infirmary. To prove that he really was at work, he casually took a Snapchat picture of the hospital's corridor in the Clarendon Wing then sent the image to his girlfriend.
While reviewing the image he sent, Andrew discovered that it contained a ghostly image of a young girl in the children's ward walking towards the switchboard room. The ghostly girl seemed to have a long blond hair while wearing a skirt.
Since then, Andrew has shared the spooky image on Facebook and it has become viral across America and around the world. While being investigated by paranormal experts, many believed that picture of the spirit was real. In a survey by Mirror, a great majority of viewers believed that it was really a ghost.
Stories of Andrew's colleagues also revealed that mysterious activities have been regularly happening in that part of the hospital. Some claim that they frequently heard footsteps at the spot where the ghastly image of a girl was captured. "There have been a few odd things," Andrew said. "Now people are a bit scared, and apprehensive about going to the loo."
The 21-year-old hospital worker said he didn't believe in ghosts. "I was always a skeptic." But with his first-hand encounter with this poltergeist, he sure has changed his mind.
The Leeds General Infirmary had been momentarily closed last year after an increasing mortality rate of its patients. Many children were dying. It was recently reopened after undergoing improvements at the children's heart surgery centre.