Quotes from CPPCC members

Quotes on low-income housing projects from political adviser Zhang Qiong

China-Following are some quotes from Zhang Qiong, a political adviser, at the annual session of theChinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee onSaturday:

-- The government should bear more responsibility in promoting the development of low-income housing.

-- The central government should carry out different fund-raising policies in regions of differentdevelopment levels. More fund from the central government should go to the central andwestern regions so that spending from local governments there can be lowered.

-- The government should encourage private capital to invest in low-income housing projectswith preferential policies.

-- The government should collect property tax to increase its revenue and sustain governmentspending in low-income housing.

-- The government should ensure a sufficient supply of land for low-income housing and adopta rational ratio of land use for low-income housing and commercial housing.

-- More resources should go to low-rent housing projects.

-- Legislation on low-income housing is necessary to reduce uncertainties in governmentpolicies.

Quotes on private business development from political adviser Deng Wei

Following are some quotes on private business development from Deng Wei, a politicaladviser and local deputy chief of an industrial and commercial federation from China'snortheastern Heilongjiang Province, at the annual session of the Chinese People's PoliticalConsultative Conference National Committee:

-- China should offer strong support to the development of private enterprises, as it could helpimprove people's livelihood.

-- Increasing financial support to non-public economy should be taken into the evaluationsystem of local government officials.

-- The government should grasp the opportunity of fiscal system reform to introduce structuraltax reduction to small and medium-sized enterprises.

-- More financial and credit support should go to private business, as well small and medium-sized enterprises, and measures should be taken to accelerate the construction of financialinstitutions that match the scale of these enterprises.

-- Supporting the sound development of private business and entrepreneurs should beestablished as a national strategy.

-- The government should help private enterprises, as well as small and medium-sized ones,to obtain high-quality resources, high-level talents and sales network from foreign marketsthrough investment, stock swap, and merger and acquisition.

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