World Realty News: Putin Opens Russian 'Military Disneyland'

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the country's very own Disneyland. But instead of riding rollercoasters and seeing Mickey Mouse, children will get to play with tanks and grenade launchers and witness Russia's military force.

Putin said in a speech, as reported by The Guardian, that the Patriot Park would be "an important element in our system of military-patriotic work with young people." He also announced in the same event the addition of 40 new intercontinental missiles to Russia's nuclear arsenal this year, which are "capable of overcoming even the most technically advanced missile defence systems."

The military theme park found at Kubinka is an hour's drive from Moscow. Also as a conference and exhibition venue, it hosted the Army 2015, a Russian military exhibition showcasing the latest equipment to both the locals and the international community.

"When I look at all this stuff," leader of the pro-Putin biker group the Night Wolves Alexander Zaldostanov said about both the 'military Disneyland' and the new additional missiles, "it makes me feel proud of Russia and realise that we have something to answer the Americans with. They wouldn't dare to press the button."

"In Soviet times the army was a distant, faraway thing, but now we all feel closer to the army. The army is being romanticised and I see that as a good thing. If we don't educate our own children then America will do it for us ... like we have seen in Ukraine," he added.

The Patriot Park is not yet fully up and running, but once it is, it will be able to house tens of thousands of guests per day. Inside, visitors will be lining up to see "battle reconstructions of some of the most famous victories in Russian and Soviet history, and regular displays of military hardware and training opportunities," as The Guardian reported. Children will also get to ride tanks and play extreme sports.

Russia's defence ministry reportedly allotted 20 billion roubles for the entire project.

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