Giant Penis for Safe Sex Campaign Causes Public Outrage

A funny yet noteworthy safe sex campaign about sexually transmitted diseases was written off as "banal and idiotic."

Many people got annoyed than informed from the controversial ad campaign of a student who dressed up as a giant penis.

The 19-year-old student, Philip van Eck was hired by a sex education charity RFSU in the city of Sandefjord, Norway, to promote the use of condoms.

In a report from Mirror, around 23,000 Norwegians acquire chlamydia annually yet are less inclined to use condoms compared to lovers in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection in humans characterized a white, cloudy, or watery discharge in a male genital and cervical Inflammation and discharge in the vagina among females.

The sex campaign basically involves Philip wearing a giant "dick" mascot sneaking up on unsuspecting by-standers and spraying them with golden confetti.

He got the job because of his height, which perfectly match the suit.

A tagline was used saying "Tiss kan overraske" which means either "Penis" or "urine" "can surprise you".

Filming went smoothly as many as passers-by wanted to take selfies with the giant penis

"Suddenly, lots of people wanted to touch the penis and take pictures with the penis. I almost felt harassed," van Eck said.

However, people over 30 find the droll campaign offensive and disgusting. Some even described the campaign pointless and some went so far as to call it banal and idiotic.

"I thought it was hilarious. If I can do a good thing for others, just by being a d***, there is nothing better", says van Eck.

According to Photo News Online, the Advertising agency who conceptualized the campaign explained that it wanted a campaign that will reflect that sex should be fun, exciting, and a little naughty.

While some people were outraged by the campaign, many also found favor and understood the humour behind the message.

You can't please all of them but at least you get the publicity you needed.

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