How Pinterest May Be Great for your Real Estate Agency

For those of you living under a rock, a new social website has been gaining incredible ground. It's name is Pinterest and the demographic for this site is overwhelmingly women and for those of us that have used Pinterest, it can be highly addictive!

Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings,decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

How Pinterest Works

By its very nature, Pinterest is a very visual system and a great way to organize ideas, inspiration and snippets from the others and the web. You can create boards for decorating ideas, local properties, local events and as it is very visual based medium it actually ignites its users creativity.

So here's a breakdown on how to use Pinterest...

  1. Request an invitation. Alternatively if you know someone already on Pinterest, ask them to send you an invitation. That way, you can get started straight away. Even if you dont know someone on Pinterest it only take a few days to get an invitation.
  2. Registering: You can sign up with your Facebook or Twitteraccount or create a totally fresh username and password.
  3. Follow Friends. There are a few ways to find friends who are already "pinning". There is a friend finder tool and it will search yourTwitter, Facebook, and most major email accounts.
  4. Get Busy Creating Boards. Boards are basically categories. You can create as many categories or "boards" to add content to.
  5. Start pinning! There are three ways to start pinning, basically. First, follow some people you already know and check out their boards. You can repin their pins onto any of your boards/categories, this to me is the best way to get started.

Once you are accustomed to the processes of Pinterest you should begin adding new pins. If you come across a website with Pinterest Icons you can add them to your board. or speak with you r web developer about adding the Pinterest Code to your website. Remember, Pinterest will only add items with images.


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