An 11-year-old Girl Dumps Boy; The Hilarious Breakup Messages Go Viral

Madi Nicken's younger sister was enraged when she found out that Joey, now her ex-boyfriend, was 'hanging with another girl' in the park. Disappointed, she unleashed upon Joey a string of breakup text messages that are so good, you won't believe they came from an 11-year-old, Cosmopolitan has the hilarious story.

Madi, 17, discovered the glorious text exchange between her younger sister and a guy named Joey (who won't be visiting a park anytime soon) and posted them on Twitter.

In the text message, the 11-year-old tells Joey that they need to talk, and when the boy agreed, Miss Nickens went straight to the point, saying, "So I heard you went to the park with Natalie.....why would you cheat on me Joey? I gave you 2 chances I actually believed you when you said you loved me but I guess not."

But Joey was quick to protest his innocence, writing, "I'm sorry i was just hangin wit her." But the girl won't have anything of it, responding: "Whatever just Don't talk to me in middle school. I didnt even love you."

BUT! The plot thickens after that, as Joey (who apparently loves Starbucks) presents evidence to disprove the girl's claim. "Sounds good to me," he stated, "and well you were the one that bought my Starbucks drink so you obviously loved me a little bit."


But Miss Nickens was not going to lose the battle. She next dropped a killer line that girls way above her years would definitely steal for future use:

"Screw you joey. Ding ding ding oh what was that oh yeah the elevator cause your not on my level. I won this fight. We're over for real this time."

Just after 20 hours since the post went up on the social media site, it has already been favorited over 8,250 times and re-tweeted over 5,000 times, according to

But, Madi Nicken's sister was not pleased with her new found fame, as Madi later updated:

@madinickens: Update: just told my sister she is twitter famous and she is now very mad I posted a "personal" conversation

But precious things like that can't be kept secret forever. You made us proud, Miss Nickens.

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