The upcoming DC movie Suicide Squad is framed as a dark villainous movie, but with a therapist on board to help keep the stars in check - nobody expected that the movie is going to be this dark.
Director David Ayer has reportedly hired a "therapist" on-set who is in charge of keeping the stars in check and not letting their work get out of hand.
"We kind of have like a therapist on board if you fall off the wagon and really are villainous," Adam Beach, who will be playing Slipnot, said in an interview with E! News. "There's a friend of [Ayer's] that's very unique in making sure we have our ground."
The therapist acts more of a "life coach," the actor clarified.
Beach also mentioned that the director's style is all about "realism." His method is real in a sense that "if your character is tormented, he wants you to torment yourself. He wants the real thing."
"Us actors explore very fine thin lines going to the dark side and he wants to make sure we finish a movie and don't disappear somewhere and then don't show up for work."
Speaking of dark side, another member of the Suicide Squad, Jared Leto, who will star as the Joker recently revealed his method acting.
Leto reportedly sent his co-stars a rat, bullets, and a dead hog.
"He sent [Margot Robbie] a nice love letter with a black box with a rat in it-a live rat," Beach said. "It was beautiful. Then he sent bullets to Will [Smith] with a letter."
And for the final touch, the cast received a dead hog with a video of him saying, "'Guys, I can't be there but I want you to know I'm doing my work as hard as you guys.' The video he showed is in character. It blew our minds away," Beach recalled.
Leto will have big shoes to fill in as he will be the first actor who played Joker since Heath Ledger's take in The Dark Knight. Meanwhile, Will Smith will portray hired assassin Deadshot, Cara Delevigne as Enchantress, Jay Courtney as Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag, and Viola Davis as Amanda Waller.
The new Batman, Ben Affleck is also said to make a cameo appearance in the movie, which will be released on August 5, 2016.