'Mortal Kombat X’ New DLC Provides Four Free Throwback Fatalities

"Mortal Kombat X" released a free downloadable content (DLC) pack last Tuesday, which includes classic fatalities for four game characters.

NetherRealm Studios new free DLC is titled "Klassic Fatality Pack." The pack features fatalities for game regulars Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Johnny Cage and Sonya, reports Kotaku . YouTube user Synn even compiled the classic moves in a short video, that Kotaku also featured on their site.

The fatalities are not as elaborate as the newer fatalities developed for "Mortal Kombat X." Sub-Zero's classic spine-rip Fatality is still as jaw clenching as before, although the game's developers slightly enhanced the reaction of the opponent, states Cinema Blend, having them claw the air in front of them before toppling over.

The second "Klassic Fatality" is Scorpion's fire breathing attack. The "Mortal Kombat X" version bears no difference from when it first appeared in the original "Mortal Kombat" game. Scorpion still rips off his mask before delivering the fiery blow that will roast the flesh off his opponent. The third Fatality is Sonya's Kiss of Death which still delivers a small ball of fire across the screen, and the last is Johnny Cage's uppercut move that chops an opponent's head off.

Aside from the free DLC, NetherRealm also released a Predator Patch Tuesday, with features a few gameplay changes and bug fixes. The biggest change, reports Destructoid, is that frame skipping has been removed. Other changes includes characters no longer doubling on the character select screen, as well as Liu Kang's "Hot Head" brutality will no longer be triggered when no stage interaction is used. The pings of other players in a room will also be displayed correctly, and the developers also fixed a crash where sometimes the game will minimize making it unplayable. The full patch notes are available on "Mortal Kombat X" steam page.

The "Mortal Kombat X Klassic Fatality Pack" is now available for download via Steam.

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