Perth Citizens in Favor of More Dense Property Development

Perth is more likely to accept apartment development to house its growing population compared to other cities in Australia, according to a national poll.

The My City: The People's Verdict survey of thousands of people in all capital cities published by the Property Council gives a glimpse of Australian attitudes about the liveability of the country's cities and government performance in urban policy.

Overall Perth rated equal third with Melbourne for liveability, behind Adelaide and Canberra, they survey also found.

Perth residents were more likely to support, rather than oppose, a series of housing developments to support population growth, including the conversion of old industrial sites to apartments and townhouses.

People in Perth also back the growth of new neighbourhoods of freestanding houses built on the outskirts of the city close to jobs and more medium density housing like town houses in middle and outer suburbs.

Joe Lenzo, executive director of the Property Council, said that Perth is waking up to the realisation that Australian cities need more housing diversity to manage growth with the population expected to increase by 6.2 million by 2030.

Perth residents ranked the State Government's performance on planning for growth as good, despite strong concern about housing affordability.
'Over the past decade, our population has rapidly expanded driven by strong economic growth. This has made it harder for people to access housing they can afford, in the places they want to live,' said Lenzo.

'Perth residents are more likely to accept higher density housing like townhouse and apartments to achieve their housing aspirations,' he added.

SOURCE Propertywire

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