It was about two decades ago when virtual reality simulators hit the technology industry. These virtual reality gadgets looked like they came from the future and they really seem to scream technology. Before, to use such devices efficiently, you would need to wear them like helmets. It was an awesome start as it even inspired one "X-files" episode. But since the 90's decade was the time when technology started to evolve and be embraced, those virtual reality devices were not very convenient to use. User-friendly may not even be a term yet. If you expect cinematic or movielike equipment, you may be disappointed. You can't really expect a lot from pioneer products as these products are presumably experimental. This is why the first virtual reality simulators eventually vanished, together with the arcades that contained them.
VR was the first thing that comes to mind when the 90's youth reminisce about these kinds of devices. But in 2012, Oculus Rift became popular when it comes to gaming. Eventually, Facebook announced that they are buying Oculus VR. And as of this year, Oculus VR announced that they are currently developing two dozen games that they plan to keep exclusive. They also confirmed making investments that are not exclusive. All these are great news. In fact it is a happy surprise that Oculus was consistent about what its focus is - which is game development. Besides, Oculus is a company founded by developers of games.
Considering that the company is eager to spend so much money on this, it's won't be a big surprise if VR will re-enter the technology world anytime soon. Although the company has also made many small investments in VR games, it would be really awesome if they can introduce major VR experiences to its consumers. If that ever happens, we would know that it would be way better that it has ever been.