Costs to Expect When Selling Your Home to Move Up

Selling a home may have hidden costs that most home sellers overlook thinking that only buyers have to spend during the sale. However, costs on acquiring services of real estate agents, mortgage deposits, solicitors, valuation fees and survey fees will bite you in the back if you are not keen about costs that you can incur when selling a home.

According to Consumer Affairs, most of the primary reasons to sell a home is well a seller wants to instill change in one's life according to certain circumstances. Some would sell their homes to make profit, especially when they want to acquire a new home that is worth lesser than what they have at present. Others decide to sell to take advantage of the real estate market, especially when the valued property is at its best performing ability to sell at a higher rate.

The first thing that you should consider when deciding to sell a home is to realize whether you may be able to shoulder the costs that come along with it and whether they are relative to the money that you wish to acquire out of it.

According to Yorkshire Post, these hidden costs are not a thing to ignore when selling a home as they may cost you a lot of dollars, instead of earning more from the sale. One of the things to consider is the mortgage deposit which will be from 5%-20% of the total value of the property. The larger deposit that you can provide will give you more potions when it comes to selling to a client who wish to have less encumbrances than usual when purchasing a property.

There are also fees that a seller might be burdened of. These are: acquiring the services of real estate agents that may require you to give them a portion of your property's value, especially when you have to pay them for getting your property marketed in the industry. Solicitors also need to be compensated by the seller which would range from £500 to £1,500, including VAT at 20 per cent. On top of that, there are also the mortgage fees including booking fees which could cost around £99 and £25 and arrangement fees amounting to £2,000. Another is the valuation fee which could cost you around £150 to £1,500 and the surveying fee which could cost around £250 to £600 plus. Lastly, there is the removal costs which could sum up to a total of £400 for a semi-detached home.

Do you think that these costs incurred when selling a home compensate the expected profit you wish to get out of the sale? Make sure you take these fees in mind before making the decision of selling your property to homebuyers who are also more interested in purchasing when these fees are already minus the burden of selling.

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