Ellen Page is set to play a lesbian role to portray the life of a US Marine Corps Lance Corporal Leslie Martz in the Indie drama film "The Lioness." Page admitted on an article by The Hollywood Reporter that she was attached to the role. The soon-to-be film currently has no director yet but it was written by scriptwriter Rosalind Ross.
The film tackles the life of a closeted lesbian being in the US Marine, who was sent to be based in Haditha, Iraq. The mission given by Martz in coming to Iraq as the Leader of a Female Engagement Team is to be able to get necessary information about the Taliban husbands from the women she is trying to help by equipping them with skills for them to gain independence.
Page is not new in storylines depicting LGBT rights and playing a lesbian role as she also starred as such in an upcoming movie "Freeheld" and also, by the fact that she is really a lesbian.
Last February, Page openly admitted to the public about it and according to the article of DivaMag, she said the following, "It's hard for me to imagine not existing in the way that I'm existing now," "It boggles my mind that it seemed so difficult and so impossible. I wish I'd done it sooner, quite frankly."
And she also tackled issues regarding consequesnces of coming out, "First of all, there aren't that many roles for you. And second, the roles that do exist, you're specifically a device for the male character or you're hypersexualized in regards to the male gaze. For whatever reason, people can believe straight actors playing gay roles, but there's this idea they can't believe gay actors playing straight roles. And for me, it got to a point where it didn't matter."
But practically, she was happy of the decision to come out as some LGBT people came up to her, saying that she'd helped them.
Page was known to play in movies like Juno, Whip it, Inception, X-men, and a lot more. Her film "Freeheld" will be shown in cinemas this October 16, 2015.