Microsoft Edge Browser Release Date, Features: Replaces Internet Explorer, Faster and Lighter

Internet Explorer has been infamous for being slow, low-standard, and generally ancient. Tech savvy people hated it for the longest time but there are also people who appreciated IE's simplicity. Although it seemed like Microsoft did not have a plan to change Internet Explorer, they eventually gave in to the people and finally decided to create another browser to represent Microsoft.

Microsoft Edge is a faster and lighter version of the IE. It has a built in support for PDF and Flash and it is also updatable through Windows. Edge also features a Cortana voice assistant that makes searching easier. Ask Edge anything, and it will respond. The Reading Mode feature can also help people read through web pages without having to deal with unnecessary contents such as ads.

Microsoft Edge will come with the Windows 10 on July 29. Even though it sounds like a full replacement for the Internet Explorer, it won't be exactly like that. Internet Explorer will still be in the new Windows version. This is to cater to people who want the older functions of the IE.

So the question remains: Will Users Love Edge?

Well, what we can assure right now is that Edge will receive a mixed reaction from users. Microsoft's decision to use the same logo may also affect them negatively, a source said. Since Windows 10 is aimed by Microsoft to be installed on one billion PC's in three years' time, Edge will have an advantage to be enjoyed by its users. Some people don't really care as to what browser they use, so if they have installed Windows 10, they might be using Edge for good. Of course, Edge would have to go through a lot of things before it can beat all other familiar browsers. It is a bit faster than the others, but it's still hard to convince people to give up habits and try something new.

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