Over the next few years, the SIM cards might already disappear. According to The Verge, the two tech giants, Apple and Samsung, are now working together to make a standard SIM card to make it easier to change between service providers.
The SIM card is a tiny piece of plastic which is inserted in mobile phones and this is where phone numbers and data plans are stored. These cards are programmed to work with a specific carrier, that is why users typically need to buy phones which are specific to the carriers they are using when buying a new device.
SIM cards are locked into that specific carrier. It has been a hassle for many AT&T phones to switch to Verizon, for instance, since they would have to buy a Verizon SIM card.
According to The Business Insider, the new electronic SIM card will work differently. It is reported that it would seem like it would be removable; however, users would be able to switch carriers on the same device whenever the users please. In addition, it was reported that AT&T reported that it will support this technology. Other international carriers also said the same including Etisalat, Hutchison Whampoa, Deutsche Telecom and Vodafone.
Reports claim that this standardized SIM card system could let users jump between carriers on their will, and this could have significant impact on the industry as it could change the phone purchasing process. If this technology will push through, users won't be locked into a two-year contract anymore since they could switch carriers anytime. Users could still buy data plans from carriers but they could switch to other services if they find their current service unsatisfying.
The new standard SIM card is expected to be ready sometime in 2016. Apple already took a step forward with this technology when they launched the Apple SIM.