Bernard Tomic Arrested In Miami Beach - Find Out What Rut The Tennis Star Gotten Himself Into

Tennis Star Bernard Tomic was arrested last Wednesday. Police say that he refused police order to tone down his party at a South Beach hotel. According to the police report, officers were called to show up at W Hotel after multiple complaints were made about the loud penthouse party held by Tomic. There are witnesses who testified that Tomic purposely closed the door when security officers arrived. He also refused to even turning down the music volume despite three requests. He continued the party despite all the complaints and demands. He even pointed at officers with aggression as he rejected all their orders.

When police arrived at the location, they told Tomic to leave. They gave him a chance to pack his things and leave the place or else he will be arrested. However, Tomic did not obey the police. His guests immediately complied to the police's terms, but Tomic still managed to make his disagreement verbal and physical. The top 25 Tennis Player was then arrested and charged with trespassing and resisting arrest. But as expected, he was able to get out through a bail of two thousand dollars.

Tomic eventually made a public apology for the chaos he caused. He admitted that everything was his fault. He also claimed that he was asleep during the first complaints. He also says that it was all just about "noise complaints". However, he was positive enough to say that he is happy because nobody got hurt.

Tomic's case is just one of the many celebrity party scandals. His party wasn't even the worst. It just so happened that he is a sports star that's why he hit the headline. However, everyone should be extra careful when doing hotel parties as nobody would want to wake up with a hangover, in jail.

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