On Monday, game developer Capcom revealed a brand new character described as a savage-looking brawler named Necalli. Necalli will be joining the cast of the upcoming fighting video game, "Street Fighter 5." Necalli was revealed via a game trailer which was shown during the Evolution Championship Series event, IGN said.
According to the report, Necalli is an aggressive brawler/grappler. He reportedly can slam his opponent to the ground and cause a slight ground bounce. Gamespot reports that Necalli's fighting style includes attacks which could pound the enemy to the ground and slash them. It further said that Necalli's V-Trigger move can transform his physical appearance.
PlayStation Blog states that Necalli comes from a mysterious background. He reportedly uses a wild, animalistic fighting style to defeat his enemies. It was also reported that there's no "finesse" in Necalli's attack to inflict pain in defeating his enemies.
Players can apparently make Necalli create a powerful explosion from the ground by holding the left joystick right or leaving it at neutral position. Players will also be able also to control the distance of the explosion.
Aside from Necalli's powerful explosion, he can also channel a so-called mysterious energy that reportedly warps the color of his hair and triggers a change of personality for a short period of time. Necalli's powered-up state will allow the character to access various combos, new Critical Art and new frame data as well
Moreover, players will reportedly enjoy playing Necalli because the new "Street Fighter 5" character has a variety of attacks, including close range ones. He is said to have all the required elements to defeat enemies.
Meanwhile, Capcom is slated to release the "Street Fighter 5" beta on July 23 on PlayStation 4. According to Gamespot, the beta version will have six characters to play with Cammy, and Birdie is also rumored to join the cast.