Top Mistakes That Can Lower Your Home Value

Thinking of moving to that busier city strip or that sunnier side in the country? As a homeowner, sometimes these questions come in mind and the idea of putting one's current home in the market can be a painful task ahead.

Well, not to worry. Home designers have offered their expert advice on making it more marketable than what it is actually worth. Here are few points to consider before placing a "Home for Sale" sign on the doorstep:

In an article from, vibrant colors are "in" but need not match the exterior of one's home should it proved too flashy or don't agree with the neighborhood color scheme. An unsecure lock on the front door keeps away potential buyers, according to the same article. Make sure to repair or replace all door locks. Of course, who would want to accept unwanted visitors anyway?

Keeping one's home environment cool enough while showing buyers in and out a home that is up for sale can possibly convince them to stay longer than just browsing through the home's amenities, according to a report from Offering a refreshing drink or two can keep them interested.

Another tip from recommends having a car garage can increase one's home market value as street parking can be a huge inconvenience, according to a report from The same report suggested It is also important to take time to upgrade and replace outmoded appliances and furnishings. Having vintage furniture can mostly drive these buyers away. Aside from being on trend with what these home buyers are potentially looking for, an always "Safety first" mindset as a homeowner should be on top of the selling idea list.

Equipping oneself with these helpful tips and putting them in place before moving out from the comforts of one's old home would likely attract not just browsing customers, but most especially those buyers who will feel they have won the lottery in purchasing that former abode.

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