Things to Consider Before Deciding to Buy a House

We have been told during our elementary years or even earlier than that, that shelter is one of the basic needs of men. As we traversed through time, history would teach us that our ancient ancestors were nomads who later learned to settle in a particular area, thus establishing a community.

One of the common and most noticeable indicators or signs of a community aside from the presence of inhabitants would be the visibility of certain house structures. Structures as such serve a dwelling and shelter for everyone living in a certain community.

As of today a house still serves its very purpose and as time passes by, the necessity of having one is still as important as it used to before. Though designs and artistic modifications were employed, a house remains a house in essence. To somehow help you in answering the primordial need of having a house, below are some insights which would tell whether you are ready to buy and own your personal shelter and dwelling.


Perhaps this is the most vivid and emphatic sign that you need to buy your own place to stay. The weariness of continuously renting a house consumes you mentally and financially, and to some extent it may result to physical manifestations. It is more logical to pay monthly for something that will surely be yours in the end rather than giving your money to the landlord with no hope of owning his place.


In relevance to the first indicator, financial freedom and preparedness should likewise be considered. If you are actually having a stable job and a decent income to buy a house of your own, then it's time to proceed and build your own dream house.


If you think you are ready to handle house repairs and pay other house related bills, then buying one would be a good decision. But I caution you that you should be fully aware of what you are getting into, for the house like other man-made structures need maintenance and care.

The things outlined above though not an exhaustive list still serves a springboard for further reflection. You may seek advice from your close associates or even from your family who experienced buying their own house. And lastly, you should also put in mind that owning a house is not an end in itself but rather it is a start of making that house into a home.

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